Grab the moment

Usually, as far as photography is concerned it really matters to be at the right place at the right time. That is if you want to grab that special moment, that is… Sometimes you don’t even know it’s coming.. And it catches you completely off guard, so you miss it completely or if you are…

There are times when I simply can not resist

If I ever pass by some daisies I simply can not resist to stop and take some photos. Daisies are my weakness. For me they are the essence of summer. Once they start popping up among the green that’s it the first sign of real summer is here. And once they burn out and disappear…the…

Catch you in a hurry

Always when I am in a big hurry thats when my eyes catch the best little scenes in passing. I love it. ♥️

A new Start

A New Start – images by Annie Japaud – nature walker, photographer, blogger, baker and cake maker

Christmas on the go

When life throws you around like an angry ocean and you are so busy that you have no time to take decent nature photos all you have to do is shoot on the go. If I can’t take the camera out, I just do it from the car (don’t worry I wasn’t driving) but I…

Last of Autumn

Last of autumn…until next year of course …images from Connemara by Annie Japaud Photography

Hurricane Ophelia has arrived

Today was a strange day. I had to admit that was my first Red Weather Alert on national level. So far, we got away with the worst of it I think. It is dark outside, the wind is howling and the rain is rattling on the roof but I believe here in Galway we got…

Waiting for Ophelia

There is a Red Weather warning here in Ireland today. What better thing to do than work on my photos while waiting for the weather to go mad outside. For now it is pretty mild, the wind is a bit random and comes from all directions but otherwise nothing else is going on. Believe me,…

The Hidden Lake

There is this fantastic place tucked deep into Newvillage Woods. We call it THE HIDDEN LAKE because if you don’t know it is there it just pops out of nowhere between the trees. It is the most amazing site. Only 1 hour and a 1/2 walk from Oughterard if you feel like walking one gorgeous day. I am…